We protect your space by filtering electrosmog

About us

EnertexGroup is a company authorized for the distribution of SPIRO® products created by NOXTAK®

We guarantee the effective delivery of SPIRO products with Premium Pack of Correos.



To understand the efficiency and importance of the Spin Radiation Organizer Technology (SPIRO®) in disturbed radiation (EMFs or Electrosmog), we must first understand the origin of the electromagnetic problem, which lies not in the intensity or amplitude of the waves. These elements, which certainly make a difference in the amount of pollution in an environment, are not the basis of the problem.

It is important to understand that electromagnetic fields (EMF) are not bad; actually, we evolved as biological systems immersed in beneficial EMF (from natural sources), our bodies work with electricity and the functioning of each cell in the human body implies an exchange of electrical charges and magnetic charges as well.

Our heart pulses current, our brain activity is all about electricity, and our nervous system too. In medicine, the parameter to assess the state of health or illness in a human body is related to tests that analyze the electrical behavior of our heart like the Electrocardiogram (EKG), the same with our brain scans called Electroencephalogram (EEG), there are even medical studies that evaluate brain activity through the magnetic analysis of the brain, known as magnetoencephalogram (MEG). To summarize: the health of all biological systems has to do with the behavior of EMFs. 

EMF is part of the spectrum of radiation, it is, specifically, non-ionizing radiation. The term radiation is poorly understood and is often used as a synonym for something bad or harmful. Radiation, in simple terms, is the propagation of electromagnetic energy in space, there is ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, and radiation from natural sources or artificial sources. 

Electromagnetic radiation from artificial sources is part of the non-ionizing category and, for that reason, was misunderstood for decades and believed to be harmless for biological systems. However, there is a huge amount of scientific data that shows that this disturbed radiation (artificially polarized), when emanating from man-made sources, normally produces side effects in biological systems, the environment, and even technologies. This disturbed radiation is capable of damaging the electronic circuits in a computer and reducing the lifespan of electronic devices. So, it’s the same with the human body, with your pets, plants, bees, and so on…

The artificial polarization of the waves is the problem

The artificial polarization previously mentioned produces a high level of entropy in the system or environment with which it interacts, be it a living organism, water, soils, or even ecosystems in general. Analyses and samples collected in laboratory and field tests show a high level of Oxidative Stress in those biological systems exposed to this disturbed radiation (artificially polarized EMFs). In other words, there is a degradation of the system, a loss of electrons, and high production of free radicals. Even ionic charges in the air lose their balance between positive and negative ions.

This imbalance and chaotic state of the charges or magnetic moments at the fundamental level translates into overstimulation in the cell membrane in the human body, which activates and alters the ionic voltage channels, modifying the electrical potential. This is especially observed in the ionic channels of calcium.

EMF Pollution or Electropollution can be summarized in

The science behind the SPIRO® material

In June 2012, it was news that scientists from JASRI (Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute), in cooperation with the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) and other institutions, revealed a new magnetic property of the well-known metal gold (Au)⁵. The implications of this discovery were hugely important and shed light on the research that NOXTAK’s founder had been carrying out, as it promised to be a viable application for the problem of artificial polarization in electromagnetic waves for telecommunications and alternating current (AC).

Conventionally, up to that time, gold (Au) had been understood to be a diamagnetic material and was not considered to have strong magnetism, meaning that it can not act as a magnet on its own. However, the results of the studies carried out by the scientists mentioned above, observed other properties when gold (Au) was manufactured in the form of nanoparticles, noting that it had a strong magnetism, which drew attention from both academic and practical points of view.

This is how the NOXTAK research project concluded that if natural properties of great magnetism in the nanometric dimension could be exploited stably without transferring said property to the macroscopic dimension, then it could be a viable application to solve the fundamental problem of artificial polarization of the particles’ spins in the electromagnetic radiation without affecting the trajectory of fields or interfering in any way with telecommunications. In this way, the NOXTAK project ventured into Applied Nanomagnetism, a branch of Nanotechnology.

Nanotechnology is the term given to those areas of science and engineering where phenomena that take place on the nanometer scale (below 100 nm) are used in the design, characterization, production, and application of materials, structures, devices, and systems. A nanometer is one billionth of a meter: ten times the diameter of a hydrogen atom. The diameter of a human hair is, on average, 80,000 nanometers.

Particles whose size is on that tiny tiny scale, called the nanometer scale, are called nanoparticles. Nanoparticles have brought a wealth of long-awaited discoveries in materials science and their potential applications. One of the applications is to take advantage of the magnetic behavior of these particles, this branch is called Nanomagnetism.

Nanomagnetism is a field where many nanoscale effects abound, resulting in either the reduced size of the material or the predominant effect on surfaces. One of the more surprising recent incarnations of such novel magnetic behavior is the observation of magnetic properties in nanoscaled materials which are diamagnetic (non-magnetic) in the bulk. This type of behavior has been observed in metal oxide nanoparticles and nanocrystalline films, as well as typically paramagnetic and diamagnetic metal nanostructures.

Based on the aforementioned principles, the research group ventured into this branch of science to develop the NOXTAK technology, which was later patented as an invention and called SPIRO®.

In itself, SPIRO® is a nanocomposite material that was developed taking into account the scientific discoveries of the time about the extraordinary properties of NPs (nanoparticles) of gold (Au) and other metals, whose observations have subsequently been repeatedly confirmed by multiple scientific papers⁶, and how they react at the nanoscale⁷. This led the founders to create a formulation with stable ferromagnetic NPs⁸ (nanoparticles) that generate a reorganization of the polarity of the particles that interact with the material, this nanocomposite material induces an organization of the radiation spins⁹, also known as SPIRO® technology (Spin Radiation Organizer).

Our technology acts as a passive filter for electromagnetic waves, neutralizing interference and improving the radiation propagation pattern in EMF emissions to make them compatible with our bioelectrical system. Without SPIRO®, our cells and system are under constant attack from disturbed (artificially polarized) electromagnetic waves. Among many other health concerns, EMF pollution has been scientifically proven to cause oxidative stress in our bodies, leading to premature aging and being linked to more than 75 health conditions. With the use of SPIRO® technology, your cells are protected from the harmful effects of disturbed radiation, resulting in improved heart rate variability, brain activity, and the nervous system. Many people also notice an improvement in sleep, concentration, or anxiety within the first month of protection.

Case studies show a significant biological response when all SPIRO® Solution products are incorporated, filtering every source of electrosmog an individual is exposed to. With constantly expanding and evolving technology it is impossible to avoid this invisible pollutant and the harm it causes to not only humans but every biological system in our environment and technology itself. SPIRO® was created to be capable of filtering all sources of pollution in different frequencies and of covering large spaces of disturbed radiation, converting these polluted spaces into clean and human-friendly environments.

How does SPIRO® work?


SPIRO® (Spin Radiation Organizer Technology) is a nanocomposite material that produces an effective protective effect against electro-pollution. Its operation happens by nanomagnetism, under the principle of passive filtering, achieved by promoting a natural organization of the spins on those particles spreading in the environment and interacting with SPIRO®.

This technology works by transferring the nanomagnetism of the material to the particles present in the environment and the space in which it is found, and, as a consequence, it neutralizes the disturbance present in the radiation, eliminating the chaos and imbalance of artificially polarized charges at the fundamental level. With this, it promotes a natural magnetic ordering of spins in the radiation, which consequently exhibits the exact behavior of natural electromagnetic fields at the fundamental level.

The filtering effect of SPIRO®´s Applied Nanomagnetism in EMFs

The SPIRO® Solution allows us to coexist with disturbed radiation (artificially polarized). NOXTAK® products are composed of SPIRO® (Spin Radiation Organizer), which, in simple terms, consist of films that in their composition are made up of certain metals in nanometric scale that, together, exhibit a magnetic ordinance capable of promoting an organized state in any particles with which the material interacts.

In other words, these nanomagnetic properties promote responses of natural polarization in the fundamental particles with which it interacts, reducing the level of entropy that this non-ionizing radiation from artificial sources carries in the form of electromagnetic disturbances; thus resulting in an SOI (spin-orbit interaction) and coherent domains of low entropy and strong stability in their domain walls (Bloch walls). This makes these emissions compatible with the body’s bioelectric system, facilitating a healthy electromagnetic exchange at the cellular level.

This phenomenon previously described allows the fundamental particles that bring an artificial polarization to take their natural magnetic moment and form domains that follow the natural order, similar to the natural magnetic order exhibited by the SPIRO® material. In this way, SPIRO® works as a passive filter for these particles in artificial EMF, a guide so that they take their natural order and, in this way, the chaos that produces the disturbing effect of electromagnetic pollution is reduced.

The effect of SPIRO® is not to block the path of the waves, but to filter the disturbances, reducing the level of entropy without affecting the destination and path of the radiation. It has been verified that the effect of the SPIRO® material on microwaves can be observed in an improvement of the radiation propagation pattern of telecommunications equipment¹⁰⁻¹¹.

The use of SPIRO® promotes a recovery of the body’s bioelectrical system, improving the function and healthy communication of our cells¹². This happens when the electrical potential in the cell membrane stabilizes the abnormal opening of the voltage ion channels. This process of detoxification and cell restoration happens gradually, and the recovery time varies according to each case; having the best results for those individuals who also assess their environments and protect themselves from other environmental toxins (indoor air quality, CO2, humidity, toxic chemicals).

In the clinical study mentioned above, conducted on 50 subjects using the SPIRO® DISC and SPIRO® CARD for their mobile phones, it was found that health biomarkers improved significantly after 30 days of use, especially sleep quality, heart rate variability, and stress markers. All subjects in the experimental group reported an improvement in physical and sports performance, while the control group (placebo group) showed no improvement.

SPIRO® produces an improvement in multiple common symptoms and signs associated with numerous diseases whose origin can have multiple causes, but the appearance and the frequency of symptoms on the individual are exacerbated by electromagnetic pollution.

SPIRO® is also a viable solution for people with electrostress or electrohypersensitivity (EHS). Its efficacy¹³ has been proven in several case studies¹⁴ and, on average, a significant reduction in the symptoms and signs of EHS¹⁵ has been demonstrated in a variable period of 45 to 60 days¹⁶. Enhancement times vary depending on the individual, their genes, the type of diet, and the type of environmental toxins they are exposed to daily.

Each of our SPIRO® products is designed to filter a specific level and type of electromagnetic radiation emission.

The different SPIRO products come with their own formulations of the SPIRO®® material inside, which gives them the range of action and filtering power necessary to handle the radiation associated with the specific devices, signals and spaces for which they were designed.

The more SPIRO® filminas a product contains, the greater the range of action and filtering power. As each of our products is designed for specific types of emissions, we recommend using all solutions together correctly.

How to use SPIRO?®

The action range of SPIRO® products is variable depending on each product’s radius of reach. This range varies according to the number of films contained within the product. Each product contains a pattern made up of several round films (which is itself the patented SPIRO® material).

SPIRO® films, as a nanocomposite material, have a residual magnetic dominance effect that extends several centimeters or meters depending on the number of films contained in the product. It is important to note that the number of films not only provides a greater range extension but also a greater magnetic force in its domain walls (Bloch walls), capable of filtering higher levels of electromagnetic pollution.

The amount of SPIRO® films incorporated in a product is determined by the type of emission that the product is intended to filter, whether it is extremely low frequency, near-field alternating current pollution, near-field emissions from electronic devices that work with direct current, far-field radio frequencies, microwave emissions, or a combination of all of them. This calculation is what we call the SPIRO® Filtering Power.

People typically move between settings where exposure varies throughout the day, such as their jobs, public places, and their homes (with a particular emphasis on their bedrooms). It is not possible to estimate in advance the level of electromagnetic pollution to which each individual is exposed without a professional assessment involving specialized equipment and software. However, what is possible is to estimate an average exposure to which the individual is exposed and, based on this, estimate which and how many SPIRO® products are required to filter out both high and low frequencies, and near and far field sources such as a cell phone tower.

To this extent, we have created a group of products whose size varies depending on the number of SPIRO® films they have, based on characterizations carried out in the laboratory, and confirmed in field tests. We know the maximum capacity of each product, how much artificially-polarized energy, and in which frequencies can a group of SPIRO® films effectively filter.


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